Online agenda open

ATTENTION: For appointments for anti-Covid vaccination, it is absolutely necessary to call us and not make an appointment online. We work with a waiting list and we only vaccinate one day a week.

Absence Dr Thommes

Dr Thommes will be absent until automn. He is replaced by Dr Nathalie Seroux until 24th of June and from 1st of August to 26th of August.


Anti-Covid vaccination

You can get the vaccination against covid-19 at our practice (older > 12 years). Contact our secretary for an appointment.

Covid-19 case

Consult for more informations.

What should I do if I have symptoms or I have been tested positive?
you must immediately go into isolation, without waiting for the contact tracing unit to call. The contact tracing unit has been informed of your result. While waiting for their call, you can help them to trace and identify people who have had high-risk contact with you.

To do so, you need to download the form and send it to:
If you need a teleconsultation, please contact us per mail or phone.

Closing online agenda

Dear patients, we have made the decision to close our online agenda again. Please contact us by phone or email to make an appointment.
Caution: We offer teleconsultations if you have a fever, cough, or have other symptoms compatible with COVID (sore throat, body aches, chills, fatigue, diarrhea). Please contact us per mail or phone.

New address from August 12, 2020

From August 12, 2020, our office is located at 82, rue Fernand Mertens L-3258 Bettembourg !

For this reason, the practice will be closed from August 08 to August 11. The secretariat remains available by phone for your requests.

Consultations and appointment procedures

Our consultations resumed on May 4, 2020, but security measures remain in place.

You are not allowed to enter our office if you have a cough or have a temperature. Please respect the time of your appointment, so that you are alone in our waiting room. Please desinfect you hands when our enter our office.

We have blocked our online agenda to allow better sorting of consultation requests. Call us or contact us by email, for any appointment request. We will get back to you in order to give you an appointment, offer you a teleconsultation, or redirect you if needed.

Wearing a mask is mandatory !

Thank you for your collaboration.


If you have symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (cough, fever, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of smell), stay at home for at least 48 hours to watch for symptoms. After this 48 hour period, contact us by email or phone before making an appointment with us.

If necessary and on medical prescription, we can send you to one of the laboratories to do the test to detect the virus: Picken Doheem, Ketterthill in Bettembourg or Drive-In in Bascharage.

The ministry recommends auto-isolation: Auto-isolation applies to people who have symptoms of illness compatible with COVID-19 but whose infection is not confirmed. They should stay home for 7 days from the onset of symptoms and avoid contact with other people if possible. Once the symptoms have disappeared, they must stay at home for 24 more hours.

If, despite auto-isolation, you have questions regarding your state of health, call us or contact us by email. If necessary, we can redirect you to one of the Centre de Soins Avancés (Rockhal, Luxexpo), where you can benefit from a consultation. Do not go on your own initiative to our waiting room.

The ministry recommends auto-quarantine : The auto-quarantine applies to people who have had intimate contact or who live in the same household as a person who is confirmed to be infected. They must stay at home during seven days counting from the day of the confirmed diagnosis. During this period, contact with other people should be avoided. During the seven days following a self-quarantine, self-monitoring should be carried out.

and auto-monitoring : Auto-monitoring lasts 14 days and applies to people who are likely to have been infected with the virus through contact with a sick person. The purpose of auto-monitoring is to detect symptoms of infection as soon as they appear. The person under auto-monitoring measures his or her temperature twice a day and makes sure there are no breathing problems or coughing. During auto-monitoring, normal activities can be continued.

Here is a link that answers a lot of questions:

The form to request the leave for family reasons is on the CNS website:

Do not hesitate to call 8002 8080 for additional information. 112 is only for urgent cases, eg respiratory distress.

Individuals are considered vulnerable if they are over 65 years of age or if they are already suffering from one of the conditions mentioned hereafter: Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, Cancer, an immune deficiency due to a condition or therapy.


Thank you for your generosity

Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to donate in 2019 708,40 € to the Fondation Cancer. We are very grateful to all our patients!